Isaac Kaplan

"Is it any wonder I've got too much time on my hands?"

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Frum and Liberal? pt. 1

I was in the doctor's office recently, and the receptionist, a frum girl, was listening to "The O'Franken Factor." So as first I was donn l'kaff zchus and assumed she had Joey Levin's shittoh. Joey used to listen to NPR, because, as he said, it makes you think when you try to argue on their crazy ideologies. Joey's willingness to donate money to NPR, however, I have a problem with. But regrading this particular woman, after she told me how Rush Limbaugh says the strangest things, I saw where her true colors are.

Which led to me to the big question: can a frum Jew today be a liberal?

This is arguably the most complex discussion I've dealt with, and I plan on dealing with it over an extended period of time, not just a few days.

To start, I'll let the pros speak. I offer a link to an excellent column written by syndicated columnist Ben Shapiro, another guy with a very similar question (can you be Jewish and liberal?). Check it out!


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